Paintless Dent Removal

Headlight restoration

We can bring your UV affected, hazy headlights back to great condition !
Dull headlights reduce your night time visibility dramatically, so call us to improve night time safety, and improve the overall appearance of your vehicle.

Headlights get that foggy, dull look in a combination of ways . . . UV exposure breaks down the facotry UV clearcoat over time, they get 'sandblasted' driving at highway speeds, heat from the headlight globes, and also washing off mud, dust etc scratches them finely too.
We use a US system to remove all the problem surface, and polish the acrylic up to a high grade again, to look like new.

After the lenses are prepared, we apply a quality UV coating to protect the headlight acrylic, just like the material applied in the factory. With general driving and care, they will give you another decade of service until they need another restore.

Some before and after pics . . .